
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Post & Telegraph

Looking at the Post ofice itself gives an old look now a days.. this compels me to compare this with our grand parents at home and I find bafling similarities between the two..
Just as our grand parents are.. weak in their physical strength trying to keep up with the pace of their children and grand children.. needing help in lmost every aspect now.. but still wanted by every body in house to be amongst them.. eager to feel the love from themwanting to share all with them wanting to make them comfortable but helplessly see their degradation in health even though all efforts are taken for utmost hospitality and care.. Its life.
Last decade or two has seen the postal department too grow old. Not because of the ageing but becasue fo the technology and the people.. their children and grand children..
Its same feeling with post too with new technologies gripping the society, post deptt helplessly trying to cope with all those.. firstly it was their children the courier services It had to tackle secondly its E-Mail and media.. with all these efficient reliable fast developments the post has really become the old grand parent of all. But inspite of all these one always has a feel that it shpould not be shut down and all necessary help is to be provided to help it sustain. No matter how useful it is, but all want them to be there. Just because of the way they have served so far.. not a single news about any protest or strike.. not a single news of corruption of any sort.. just religiously working on and on.. gives a notion of self less attitude towards service..

Just the way we feel about of parents and grandparents thinking of the love and sacrifice they have done for us.. My heart always fills with gratitude and affection for this deptt.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The attitude behind the attitude.

This word is still a big puzzle to me as to what it really means altogether. It has so many facets to it which have been so puzzling to understand. Any thing a man reacts back is based on as they say on his attitude. So if that is so then we have to change it to get a desired change in our output. The question which I had as a bottom line is that can it be changed?? Everybody in world says to change your attitude to get a change in you. I had gone for the SSB test at Bhopal a few yrs back. While my stay of 5 days there I learnt their testing, screening procedures to recruit an armed forces officer. The whole process with seemingly stringent physical drilling had not even 5% weightage on the physical fitness and abilities.. minimum required fitness with no ailments was all they required. Then what was it all about? It was all about the attitude of the guy. As they say they cannot train the basic mentality of a guy. One who is a coward is a coward and nothing can change it. Whole 5 days they keep screening for courage toughness daring quick intelligent abilities which are by and large all mental traits. Now with this back ground I kept on thinking if armed forces can train a naïve boy to get to high fitness levels, they can very well change the attitude if that was possible as per the present soft skill/ personality development experts say. I finally asked one army personnel about this and was fortunate enough to get a reasonable answer. Its not that the attitude cannot be changed. All it takes is total effort from oneself and a lot of time for constant improvement to get the result. The physical fitness can be changed by mentoring for a short time. That really explained most of it. To understand the attitude behind changing the attitude has been a good starter enough to shake our own attitude a bit if not change it.

Monday, January 09, 2006

And still Man competes God..

Yesterday late night as I was pondering over the seemingly useless things such as the only washed dress which is to be worn tomorrow and similar things, mind started to run on things all around me.I began to wonder at the number of accomplishments man has achieved over the ages.. so much that he has started to live in almost totally in his own created world than in nature. It just seems just as a mother loves her own chile even if he is bad than a polished child of some one else. Though Infinitesimal in terms of quality and quantity as compared to the ultimate creator, I was surprised at the effort man has taken to still compete with him.
With this I began to quantitatively classify the real caliber achievements of man as compared to God.
The ability to communicate took the apex position followed by the ability to socialise.
Even if we take.. like .. because of higher intelligence the art of communication was evident to happen, there still remains a final punch in this regard.. the art of Music.. It is this achievement which not only adds to the credit but also raises human from the null position in the competition.
the bicycle, the watch, the syphon .. there are many which are considered as perfect machines.
When playing with an undefiable champion its creditable even if u get a few points against him. so is the credit of man.
So powerful and influential is gods sphere and creation.. and yet man has created a niche for himself..
I consider the creativity/intelligence given to man is itself his sixth sensewhich makes man supreme iin entire species.