
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Monday, January 09, 2006

And still Man competes God..

Yesterday late night as I was pondering over the seemingly useless things such as the only washed dress which is to be worn tomorrow and similar things, mind started to run on things all around me.I began to wonder at the number of accomplishments man has achieved over the ages.. so much that he has started to live in almost totally in his own created world than in nature. It just seems just as a mother loves her own chile even if he is bad than a polished child of some one else. Though Infinitesimal in terms of quality and quantity as compared to the ultimate creator, I was surprised at the effort man has taken to still compete with him.
With this I began to quantitatively classify the real caliber achievements of man as compared to God.
The ability to communicate took the apex position followed by the ability to socialise.
Even if we take.. like .. because of higher intelligence the art of communication was evident to happen, there still remains a final punch in this regard.. the art of Music.. It is this achievement which not only adds to the credit but also raises human from the null position in the competition.
the bicycle, the watch, the syphon .. there are many which are considered as perfect machines.
When playing with an undefiable champion its creditable even if u get a few points against him. so is the credit of man.
So powerful and influential is gods sphere and creation.. and yet man has created a niche for himself..
I consider the creativity/intelligence given to man is itself his sixth sensewhich makes man supreme iin entire species.


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