
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Monday, March 21, 2016

Logical reasoning - Meditate to stay out of Heart Diseases !

Logical reasoning - Meditate to stay out of Heart Diseases !

Human Heart starts beating even before the birth and keeps working till the last breath of life. Heart pumps about 7000 litres of blood every day and the blood daily traverses through more than  70,000 km of the blood vessels. About 70% of this blood is required by the brain and 30% is supplied to the rest of the body

We prefer to rest for a while after working hard, then how come heart is able to function without rest?

It can function this long as it works on the principle of discipline. 

In Normal circumstances Heart Contracts for 0.3 Seconds (which is actual Pumping)and 0.5 sec it expands i.e relaxes. Which means that one heart beat is completed in about 0.8 Sec. which is 72 beats per minute hence the heart/pulse rate.

It is in this 0.5 sec of heart relaxation time that the blood traverses through lungs and gets 100% purified and is given back for next contraction or pumping to the body parts.
In Cases where the body requires to pump more blood to body parts, the body reduces its relaxation time to pump the blood as per the demand (as contracting time cannot be reduced- Reducing contracting time will impact the force of pumping hence not changed.)
The Expansion time is reduced to 0.4 sec which means the beat is completed in 0.7 sec which gives a pulse of 82 instead of 72/minute . But this also implies that instead of 100% Pure Blood, now the blood is returning with 80% (Lesser %age) purity from Lungs and the same is being pumped to body parts.

If relaxation time is further reduced to 0.3 Sec, this will result in almost 60% Purity of blood which is being pumped. This 20% or 405 impure blood then is responsible for depositing impurities in the blood vessels which are getting hardened due to the deposits. These hardened Non-elastic blood vessels then further restrict the impure blood and hence resulting in blockages and heart attacks.

Now if we see, the above condition can arise when, a) the body exerts more in terms of body efforts (which is only once in a while when we exercise) and B) when the Brain which demands 70% of the blood, starts demanding more due to excess stress/ strain/ Anger/ Negative Thoughts/ Sensitivity which are all contributing to brain stimulations.

Thus if we need to take care of Heart, We must make effort to stay away from the above which can be achieved only through meditation. the easiest first step to meditation being simple slow long breaths- Deep slow inhalation and deep slow exhalation!


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