
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Uproot the Philosophy to Uproot Jihad....

Another Blast shatters our very own home.. pune city..
It has become a habit to digest any thing and everything we get to intake..
Its a clear statement made by the terrorist outfits about their action. They refer this act
as part of jihad which is as per them is an understanding from quran.
To counter this , any one other than followers of Quran would not be entertained on
philosophical grounds that they have not understood the message from the almighty.
The only way to counter this is to have a front within Islam which questions the very
understanding of Jihad.
Since this is not being done at any levels or forums, there is no understanding for the others as to how many of the followers of quran agree to the concept of jihad and how many
dont. Hence the understanding of non-muslims is, by default that the teachings of quran is
as what the terrorists say and that everybody who s fiollowing agrees to those.
this is actually supporting the statement that Every Terrrorist is a muslim and every muslim
as well (in absence of non-jihadi understanding of Quran)is a terrorist in making.
So Learned and the wise people among muslims have to come out in open to educate the muslims about preaching s in quran which is not jihadi.
Only this will dilute the bitterness in above notion and the support for the jihadis will dilute among the muslims.