
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Symmetrical National Flag

Every year the National Flag of India is being hoisted on 15th August and 26th January with a lot of Pomp,ceremony and respect. During the rest of the year it is neatly folded and kept inside for next big day.

Flag has Three coloured stripes with Saffron on the top, White in the middle and Green at the bottom.

Many times it occurs that the national Flag is being insulted because of mistakes, ignorance that it is being hoisted wrong way upside down or other wise.

At All these times, it is being discussed and the one doing the mistake is taken for a punishment or a drill is recommended so that such kind of mishappenings do not happen again.The subject ends here with no fullproof guarantee that it won't happen again.

Its well said that 'mistake will definitely occur where there is a scope to occur'. Considering the Importance and pride in this national flag issue, some suggestion is to be implemented for reducing the scope to make mistakes.

When ever there's a question of the reversal of directions, symmetry is the only solution. Thinking further the below suggestion in fig. #1 is made to modify the Flag design to achieve vertical as well as horizontal symmetry.

We reduce the Scope of occurrence of mistakes to reduce mistakes.

A very few nations such as Japan and UK have such symmetrical Flags

Unearthing Black Money

Black Money is that money, (as per common moans understanding which is not deposited in the bank and is held as cash by the beneficiary for the fear of
  • Attracting enquiry regarding mode of acquisition or source and its explanation.
  • Attracting Tax on the income/Earnings.
  • Attracting attention of evil eyes.
    The currency therefore,
  • Changes hands in equally corrupt deeds, unsocial deeds and in the dealings of real estates which are undervalued for the fear of wealth tax etc.
  • Goes in an unreasonable manner expenditure due to the background of secrecy with a probability that man engaged in such deeds may also get cheated.
  • Goes without record and therefore there is no atonement in case of cheating
    Is used very extravagantly giving rise to inflation.
  • Goes into credit of individuals who actually are weak to handle it (use of amount by bullying and scape goat if caught).

The Menace of black money is a social evil having great potential for spoiling the socio economic fabric of the society at any place or any point of time. Presence of black money smelled by anti social element, activates them to crimes, creating a danger (of life) for the holder of such black money also.
In this connection I have a suggestion to offer and it is as follows:

On the currency notes of denomination of rs. 100 and above, we may print an Expiry date and public should exchange these notes before expiry through an account in Nationalized Bank.

As the word 'Currency' suggests, these notes are for urgent transactional use and therefore an expiry date will not be illogically out of place or context implementation of this suggestion.

  • Currency will not go dormant. It will be available for transaction and printing load will come down.
  • The problem of Soiled notes will almost be eliminated.
  • The purpose of unearthing of black money will be served .
  • It will make financial & social transactions very transparent and then they will have to be honest, crimes on theft leading to risking life will reduce.
The suggestion is open for open fruitful discussion which I feel would be useful.

Suggestion to Hospitals on Removing Shoes/Chappals

Our hospitals are well equipped with test & diagnostic equipments. The wards and all premises are kept neat, clean , tidy by constant sweeping, cleaning and mopping.
To maintain the cleanliness especially in critical areas like ICU, ICCU, OT, equipment rooms, vaults, cabins etc. Patients are requested to remove shoes/chappals/footwear. In additioin patients have to remove the footwear whenevr doctors want to examine the patients on bed or dentists chairs etc. in their consulting rooms.
Thus in a big hospital, patients (least) and his accompanying members have to remove footwear on many occasions, many times. On this account, to enforce the cleanliness rules, hospital staff also has to keep constant watch on this aspect.
In this connection I would like to suggest that as we do in the places of religious worship, all visitors and patients may be asked to deposit their footwear at the hospital entrance lounge, where there will be an arranged footwear depositry.
This will keep the hospital clean and will save the visitors from footwear changingon-off repeatedly during their course of medical work.