Many traits and living habits of villains and heroes, as depicted and almost standardized by new generation after adoption film standard in their lives, are such that you can not distinguish a hero and a villain not only in Indian films but films in other countries also. Why we call some one a hero and some other fellow a villain? It is difficult to see clearly, but a close study might show you the very thing. Various attributes of Hero and Villain are given below. Many are alike. So the question appears more serious than it looked. The only difference as can be observed from below is attitude towards girls/ladies other than his own lady love. Heroes in olden days, as interpreted from films, could, some times weep. but the villain never wept. Villain would rather die at the hands of hero but not weep. But it is not so now. The Hero also observes constraint. The difference is thus narrowing down and it makes the matter more difficult for teenage girls to fall in love.
What do you think you prefer? a villainous Hero or a hero-ish Villain? or both or none?
What do you think you prefer? a villainous Hero or a hero-ish Villain? or both or none?