
Hi this is Anant.. In search of my ultimate passion and hobby..

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Monday, April 10, 2017

Aatma and Parmatman concept ext : Get your wishes fulfilled - project it as wish from aatma

Aatma and Parmatman concept ext : Get your wishes fulfilled - project it as wish from aatma

As written in the earlier article,

Every system is run my the paramatma and a fraction of the same entity is required to run similar system in miniature forms (Char-achar :  living life forms/organisms moving or non moving) which is aatma.

The aadishakti or aadimaya which is the one that runs the system ( and a failry mechanised  or automated one) has the action reaction principle as a working level thumb rule to follow but has to honour the command from paramatma and goes any extent to accomodate the order.

Hence its oftern seen that the boons given by the gods are accomodated no matter what has been asked for and then when the same becomes a obstruction in the normal functioning of system, some escape route is being found out by reading between the lines of the boon to ensure that the obstruction is cleared and the system starts functioning again.

Now we all have a fraction of the same paramatma whose command cannot be neglected or dishonoured. so if that fraction of paramatma gives some order still the aadi shakti cannot neglect or dishonour by logic. We often see that the reverred sages and rishis had this knack of giving a boon or shaap which was coming true. It is thus mastery of the art to project our wish as the wish of the atma which is then set to be honoured by the aadishakti.

It is easier to get the desires coming true if we desire the same thing which would be an order of god. High chances that the desires start coming true if one thinks welfare and well being of the people.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Aatma and Paramatma Concept Analysed

Aatma and Paramatma concept Analysed

Where does Aatma go after getting released from body?

If re-birth is confirmed, it is pretty simple, it will go to new body and new life. but what happens when it gets the covetted moksha?

The postulates go as below

The mass and energy are interchangeable.. and this conversion is a continuous process at different levels. This is precisely the work of Aadimaya/ Aadi shakti. But it requires a Trigger or order from somebody to carry out the same (even though actions and reactions constitute for the major part)

But for the living organisms, the scene is different. it requires a small fraction of the same Somebody to take decisions on the body level Which we refer as Aatma or soul. Till the time Soul is in the body, the decisions and triggers are given by the soul to the body. Once Soul departs, it becomes a part of the non living for which the Automated system of Aadishakti is already working tirelessly to continuously convert Mass to energy and vice versa.

After moksha, the fraction of that some body gets merged into the whole some body or we call it Param aatma.
The point here is the aatma and param aatma is the same entity which is generating triggers to run the system and individual living beings. The Aadishakti is a fairly automated system to work on the triggers. Hence we do not see any worship and temples for the aadimaya/ Aadishakti.

One More Query in this regard..
It is often said that during meditation the soul can travel around while the body being in the same position. If a person travels in space and returns back his body is younger by the time elapsed while not on earth due to the space travel. As well if mind roams aroung theres no visible ageing difference. So what will be the Effect of soul traversing out of body...food for thought..

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Meditation : A sport (analogy)

Meditation : A sport (analogy)

This Analogy has been derived as an answer to some fundamental Observations for the persons advances in spiritual progress.

It has been often observed that the persons advanced in spiritual progress have still struggled with their physical ailments 

Vivekananda, as per understood, had 11 diseases while his illustrour lifetime. Ramkrishna paramhamsa also had to deal with cancer in his lifetime. There are many such examples where in the persons with advanced spiritual achievements have borne the suffering and the pain for the physical ailments and diseases in their lifetime.

The question is should the basic health not be the first step in spirituality? The person who progresses on the spiritual path should be relieved of the pain and suffering of the diseases.

These led to the said analogy which compares the meditation to any other sports viz, Chess, Tennis, Cricket, Football or any other sport. 

Just as we take up a particular sport we need to devote time in practising the sport which is a set of procedures to be performed, we also need to follow certain process to be performed and practised. 

While we practise the sport, in the process our body gets conditioned in a specific way. Similarly in spirituality too we see the body getting conditioned in specific and at times baffling to human expectations.

Just as in sports, We need to channel our food intake and restrict on favourable food to support the sport, we also need to channel the food intake to support the meditation

Now, The perusal of sport will help condition the body in a particular way which will help the body fight the ailments and diseases but this doesn't guarantee the person to get disease free or get cured of the ailment. 

So similarly, the meditation in a way would help a person tackle the diseases better by taking out the suffering and pain but may not help cure the person of the disease. The person has to face the disease and ailment which is karma.. but meditation helps tackle it lot better that it in no way affects the persons life and daily routine.

Meditation is a process of ignoring the five sensory inputs which helps to explore the inner realms of experience. Ignoring of the senses helps person ignore, pain, sexual urges, hot and cold, infact all "feelings " which are the product of mind processing over the sensory inputs. 
The more time you manage to meditate this way (to ignore the sensory inputs) the more time you are devoid of all these feelings. You can sit in extreme heat and freezing cold ( as you are ignoring the sensory inputs of heat and cold). But this is only for the time you practice the sport of meditation. the moment you stop playing , you return back to processing of sensory inputs which will again start ruling the body to perform the actions mind generates post processing.

This I suppose is the basic ideology of meditation 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Postulate: The Kriya yoga logic

Postulate: The Kriya yoga logic

The much famed Kriya yoga is by far the only specific activity associated with the energizing of the chakras and the rising of kundalini though not many actuly know the kriya.

As in previous article I have analysed the awakening symptoms and that how can the theory of enriching of oxygen actuly be a possibility.

I had left out the part about the method of the electricity being generated in the spine. I am putting the logic below for this specific point.

The kriya as they say is pretty gradual and that it grows over the person and that it is irreversible once you attain it. Also its a combination of both physical efforts as well as mental concentration and drive.

The end result let us assume for instance is electrolysis of water at spine or enriched oxygen in blood. Now to have this process some how started inside, we need create the deficiency of oxygen in blood so that this comes up at some time as the alternative.

Here I would like to take the focus to the different pranayam asanas where in we apply different bandhas to restrict the oxygen being inhaled. As per initial observation while doing these asanas, the body starts getting excited and it builds up.. all the parts of the body start demanding oxygen (Though its practically same as suffocation, Would not call it so as it is a voluntary restriction imposed on the body) by this practice the fear would eventually reside and one can hold the exhaled breath for longer time (Nishwasa)
At this instance the body is impatient, to get the oxygen desparately and is almost at your mercy to do whatever you want in exchange of oxygen. The Body will also in process get cleansed as the oxygen conservation will come into effect- Body will try n utilise all small , scattered portions of oxygen to full efficiency, the pathways of transport of oxygen will get clean in a effort to utilise what ever oxygen available for body.

At this stage the mental concentration may come in picture. By means of concentration the mind will instruct the body to look out for other options of getting/creating oxygen. and hence body intelligence (which I strongly put forward, is much more than what we have understood as of now) will try and work out the electrolysis process in an effort to somehow support the oxygen requirement!

This may pretty much be the logical flow of events till attaining the activation of the first chakra or energization in the body.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Postulate : Oxygen in Blood Without breath!

Postulate : Oxygen in Blood Without breath!

Happened to Read few chapters of the Book "autobiography of a yogi" by Paramhansa yogananda ji.

The Book is profoundly intriguing and  arousing immense interest to know more about experiences and thought process of a yogi

The State of enlightenment is elaborately described. As understood, it says that the kriya Yoga helps to energize body and takes the person is a different level of light feeling and energy currents flowing through the body. There is change at molecular level in the constitution of blood cells where the carbon elements are replaced by oxygen in turn enriching the blood with oxygen. This enriched blood then energises all the other organs. The accumulation of blood ceases and results in stopping the decay of cells. this is enlightenment as brain cells too function more with excess blood supply.

With this enriched blood, The body no longer is dependant on the oxygen from the breath. the Yogi as said by lord krishna/yogi Patanjali can exhale and inhale at the same time. (Since he no longer is dependant on the sync between breaths and infusing of oxygen into blood.

Now thinking further on this aspect that how can the enrichment of blood happen, I tend to visualise these energy currents as literally electricity and that the application of normal laws of current to these energy forms can give a surprising support to the statements.. Considering the Energy as electricity, Lets assume that the electricity is flowing through the spine. this spine is also contributing to generation of blood via the bone marrow for the bones in the spine. As a common element, body has surplus flow of water element throughout the body. This condition may indicate the presence of water and the electricity in the vicinity of the blood generating bone marrow. The electricity in contact with water initiates a fairly simple and understandable phenomenon of electrolysis where in the water is disintegrated into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. This Oxygen gas is getting dissolved in the fresh generated blood and is taken further into circulation. Hence the enriched Blood !!

Also we have hydrogen which is getting generated which may be the reason of persons feeling lighter after the process. Need to read on further what would be effect of hydrogen being infused along with oxygen.

The theory does seem a logical possibility.. !!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Logical reasoning - Meditate to stay out of Heart Diseases !

Logical reasoning - Meditate to stay out of Heart Diseases !

Human Heart starts beating even before the birth and keeps working till the last breath of life. Heart pumps about 7000 litres of blood every day and the blood daily traverses through more than  70,000 km of the blood vessels. About 70% of this blood is required by the brain and 30% is supplied to the rest of the body

We prefer to rest for a while after working hard, then how come heart is able to function without rest?

It can function this long as it works on the principle of discipline. 

In Normal circumstances Heart Contracts for 0.3 Seconds (which is actual Pumping)and 0.5 sec it expands i.e relaxes. Which means that one heart beat is completed in about 0.8 Sec. which is 72 beats per minute hence the heart/pulse rate.

It is in this 0.5 sec of heart relaxation time that the blood traverses through lungs and gets 100% purified and is given back for next contraction or pumping to the body parts.
In Cases where the body requires to pump more blood to body parts, the body reduces its relaxation time to pump the blood as per the demand (as contracting time cannot be reduced- Reducing contracting time will impact the force of pumping hence not changed.)
The Expansion time is reduced to 0.4 sec which means the beat is completed in 0.7 sec which gives a pulse of 82 instead of 72/minute . But this also implies that instead of 100% Pure Blood, now the blood is returning with 80% (Lesser %age) purity from Lungs and the same is being pumped to body parts.

If relaxation time is further reduced to 0.3 Sec, this will result in almost 60% Purity of blood which is being pumped. This 20% or 405 impure blood then is responsible for depositing impurities in the blood vessels which are getting hardened due to the deposits. These hardened Non-elastic blood vessels then further restrict the impure blood and hence resulting in blockages and heart attacks.

Now if we see, the above condition can arise when, a) the body exerts more in terms of body efforts (which is only once in a while when we exercise) and B) when the Brain which demands 70% of the blood, starts demanding more due to excess stress/ strain/ Anger/ Negative Thoughts/ Sensitivity which are all contributing to brain stimulations.

Thus if we need to take care of Heart, We must make effort to stay away from the above which can be achieved only through meditation. the easiest first step to meditation being simple slow long breaths- Deep slow inhalation and deep slow exhalation!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Samadhi stage in yoga may be the Mukti stage

Samadhi stage in yoga may be the Mukti stage

Came across a video from Guinness book where a yogi (Yogi Koudoux from france) demonstrated an extraordinary feat.  He fit his 6 ft body into a box less than 2x2x2 ft in size and then submerged the box into water for good five and a half minutes !

They said that he had slowed down the breathing(or was not breathign at all) and the pulse had reduced to 32 pulse/min. Yogi told that the Soul had left the body and then came back into the body when he was preparing to come out of the box. The Experience of soul entering back is quite drastic
This has been achieved with years of Yoga practice.

while study and experiments with pranayama, I also came to an understanding that the breaths need to be prolonged. the prolonged the better. this is what is being practised in pranayama with an effort to open up all nostrils/passages to incorporate more air and prolonged breath enhancing the same.

while practicing the above we also achieve higher levels of concentration and mind control.

Extrapolating the baove points on practice of yoga and pranayama, as a final yogic stage, we will have a stage where the person will have a very prolonged breath and mind control so strong that the soul is free to come out and pursue its path for a very long time.

This stage is when the person is no longer interested in worldly happenings and is more interested how the soul pursues its path for bigger awakening and body remains merely alive as if put on auto mode. 

This Stage of samadhi is often characterized by persons not requiring to go through daily chores of food and water intake and outlet. Also has been documented are the instances where in person going into samadhi /dying are not decaying at all (at times nails and hair keep growing is also noted in some cases). 

This has an analogy to a driver driving a vehicle. driver is the soul, and vehicle is the body. normal circumstances we have driver driving the vehicle often seen as single entity as body and soul together. In stages of higher levels of yogic practices or samadhi, the person manages to bifurcate both for a while and then for very long time. Its like driver putting the vehicle on free running/neutral and then opening the door to have a look. While in the vehicle his senses are restricted to senses of the vehicle which is site screen, rear mirror or camera and vehicle indicators where as coming out of vehicle person can use his own additional senses of hear, smell, touch, vision and sound to further visualise whole new dimensions. Hence the person is no longer interested in limited visions of worldly matters here after. Imagining that the vehicle is put on free running/neutral, the driver has gone out to experience world in different perspective on his own. The vehicle is left behind and driver is free to move at his will.

This exact stage is also described as Mukti where the soul is free from the cycle of birth and death (since the person taking samadhi is not technically dead, there can be no birth further) and soul is free to pursue its path( samadhi also frees up the soul to pursue its path of higher enlightenment )

Hence it is postulated that the Samadhi stage itself is mukti and that the road to mukti is not that difficult and is very physical than philosophical or mythological.